Countdown to Disney Princess Half Marathon

Friday, September 21, 2012

My top 5 reasons I NEED a running buddy...

My morning run yesterday got rained out so I had to fit it in after the rain.  I have been running with my mom since March of this year.  After running alone yesterday I realize all the reasons I NEED a running buddy, here are the top 5 reasons...

5.  Safety...I am beyond paranoid!  I have watched way too many crime dramas on TV.  Do you know how many joggers get attacked running through the park on Law and Order every season?  Far too many.  I pulled up to the track at the park and saw two cars and did a quick scan of how many people, age, and gender.  I only saw one old guy on his bike and thought I could probably take him, but where was the owner of the other car?  I only ran with one ear bud in so I could hear if anyone came up behind me.  Fortunately, I have my mommy super power of eyes behind my head too.  Not to say that when I run with my mom she is going to fight off all the freaks, but there is safety in numbers!

4.  Accountability...When I tell my mom I will meet her at a certain time, I know she is depending on me.  Shoot, I don't want her running alone with all the freaks out there.  If I didn't have to show up at her house everyday on time, I may not actually get out there everyday.

3.  Socialization...I am a stay at home mom and by running with my mom I get adult conversation during the day.  Talking also helps pass the time. 

2.  Running is my therapy...I can tell I am crabby with my kids on days when I don't get to run.  Running is a form of therapy for me.  Lucky for me, my mom is a psychologist so I get double free therapy when I run!

 1.  Motivation...Running with someone pushes me when my body says to quit. I am 24 years younger than my mom, I can't quit as long as she is still going.  While I was running alone yesterday my plan was 3 miles, I kept telling myself 2.5 miles is close enough, or I can just walk for awhile.  Thankfully, I no longer listen to the lies, but having someone with me makes it easier not to listen.

~Princess Janie

1 comment:

  1. Hi from the Runner's Blog Hop. All perfect reasons for needing a running buddy. I would add having a running buddy makes me push just a little bit harder. That small competitive edge is great for training runs.

    [Fitness, Health and Happiness]
